Welcome to SettlementDone Easy.com

The only secure digital Settlement Accelerator on the market to expedite the settlement of personal injury and casualty claims.

Easy Account Creation

Set Up your SettlementDoneEasy account 1 time; invite your Users, Use it forever.

Secure Banking Information

Encryption Technology with 2 Factor Authentication

Electronic Settlement Transfer

Settlement Funds sent electronically from Insurance Company to Law Firm Escrow Accounts


The First Secure Digital Settlement Accelerator

Settlements processed through SettlementDoneEasy exchange electronically executed release documents with electronic ACH settlement payments made directly to law firm escrow accounts.

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Businesses Helped

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Settlements through SettlementDoneEasy


Our capabilities

SettlementDoneEasy.com is a Secure Digital Settlement Accelerator that allows Insurance Companies and Law Firms to conclude Personal Injury Settlements quickly and Securely with never the risk of another lost settlement check.

Easy To Use

Set up your encrypted account on SettlementDoneEasy and invite your Attorneys and Adjusters to join.

Real Time Tracking

User dashboards allow tracking from creation of the Release, through signature by the claimant, to receipt of Settlement Funds.



Payment Tokenization, encryption technologies, and 2 Factor Authentication are just a few of the steps we take to keep your information safe and secure.

Remote Access

SettlementDoneEasy allows for settlement of cases wherever there is Internet Access. No check printers or Mailboxes are required.

Our goals:

"To Remove Delays and Expedite the Resolution of Personal Injury Claims."

Why Choose SettlementDoneEasy?

The results will be satisfying with us

how it works

Fast & Secure
Sign Up Process

Your Administrator will create a Secure Encrypted account on SettlementDoneEasy. Once complete the Administrator will invite users (Lawyers or Adjusters) to create their own login to access the Account.

Create an account

Your Administrator creates an account on SettlementDoneEasy with encryption, 2 Factor Authentication and other security in minutes.

Invite Users ​

Administrator invites their Users (either Lawyers or Adjusters) to set up their access under their Employers SettlementDoneEasy account.

Settle Cases ​

When both the Insurance Company and the Law Firm accounts are set up on SettlementDoneEasy, Settlement Documents can be executed and funds transferred in minutes.

Famous Quotes

Jean de la Bruyere​

Avoid lawsuits beyond all things; they pervert your conscience, impair your health, and dissipate your property.

Abraham Lincoln

Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you can. As a peacemaker the lawyer has superior opportunity of being a good man. There will still be business enough.

Alan Dershowitz​

Every lawsuit results from somebody doing something wrong. If everybody did right, we wouldn’t need laws.

Thomas A. Edison​

A lawsuit is the suicide of time.

SettlementDoneEasy.com The First Settlement Accelerator

Using Technology to quickly and securely conclude Personal Injury and Casualty Claims.

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